Right now is an exciting time for travel in Cuba. But before you get on the flight to the island nation, there is a lot of planning that needs to be done and many logistics to understand even for seasoned travelers. You’ll find that traveling to Cuba is just a little different than […]
Top 20 Travel Experiences of 2015
This unprecedented second year of non-stop travel has brought us roaming around six different continents and 27 different countries for a total of over 65,000 miles while completely circumnavigating the globe. We’re often asked about our favorite places, which is difficult to pin down because each country we visit has […]
21 Misconceptions & Curiosities to Understand Before Traveling to Cuba
Cuba can be quite a curious country. We can easily proclaim that it is one of the most unique and interesting countries of the 50+ we’ve visited during this two-year trip around the world. Between our pre-trip research about Cuba and roaming around the island nation itself, we experienced lots of […]