This unprecedented second year of non-stop travel has brought us roaming around six different continents and 27 different countries for a total of over 65,000 miles while completely circumnavigating the globe. We’re often asked about our favorite places, which is difficult to pin down because each country we visit has […]
Our Top 20 Worst Travel Moments of 2015
The end of 2015 also marked the end of our second very full year of travel. What a year it’s been! We managed to accomplish our goal of circumnavigating the globe. Throughout that journey we traveled across six continents while having some great experiences on each of them! But when […]
Not-So-Monthly Travel Update: SE Asian Invasion
Since we’re changing regions, we figured this would be a great time to give a trip update. August 15th will officially mark the end of our 20th month since we got rid of it all and started roaming around the world. So what better time for an update than now, […]
Snorkeling with Whale Sharks in the Philippines
The boatman asked, “Can you swim good?” “Yes, I’m a good swimmer.” “Okay, then you can take off your life jacket and jump in.” “Now? Right here!?” “Yes, go in the water.” And without much more hesitation, we both dove from the tiny boat and into the ocean off the […]